LBBD Members App

The Borough and The Council

Barking & Dagenham - The Place

The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham is located at the heart of the Thames Gateway, 11 miles east of central London.

The population of Barking and Dagenham rose from 166,000 in 2001 to 187,000 in 2011, and to an estimated 214,000 in 2020. The population is forecast to be 227,000 by 2024, rising to 295,000 by 2039.

Change is everywhere, and the Council remains committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all and establishing a ‘one borough’ sense of community.
We are proud to be a diverse and inclusive borough. Between the 2001 and 2011 censuses the proportion of the population from black and minority ethnic backgrounds increased from 19% to 51%. That proportion is estimated as 67% in 2021.

Like other London boroughs, there is also rapid movement of people: between 1st July 2018 and 30th June 2020 approximately 35,000 residents came to the borough, and roughly 38,000 left, meaning that the proportion of population churn during these two years equated to just over a third (34%) of the total population.

The age profile of the population is also changing. Barking & Dagenham has the highest proportion of people aged under 16 in the whole of the United Kingdom.

We are a young, rapidly growing and increasingly diverse borough. Diversity brings a range of challenges and we know our aspirations need to reflect that, to achieve the borough’s potential for the benefit of all, so that no one is left behind.

To find out more about our borough, wards and residents, click on this link: About the borough.

Our vision and priorities

The 20-year vision for the borough is ‘One Borough, One Community, No-one left behind’.

The Borough’s vision and priorities are set out in Barking and Dagenham Together - Borough Manifesto 

The Barking and Dagenham Delivery Partnership jointly owns the Borough Manifesto and its targets. This partnership is made up of public, private, community and voluntary sector organisations.

The Wheel

 Click on graph to view enlarged.

Corporate plan

The borough vision feeds into the Council’s vision and priorities in the Corporate Plan.

Our vision for the borough is ‘One Borough, One Community, London’s Growth Opportunity’ & 'No-one left behind'

The Corporate Plan outlines the approach we will take over the next 4 years in order to fully establish our new kind of council, and to work towards the targets outlined in the Borough Manifesto. We have been on a journey over the last few years that has seen us transform the council, our relationship with residents, and the way in which we deliver our services. The Corporate Plan co-ordinates our priorities and addresses the challenges we are facing as a result of budget cuts and a rapidly diversifying and growing population. The Corporate Plan covers all aspects of the council, from digitisation to cultural events to enforcement, and outlines what our upcoming approach will mean for our residents.

Central to the Corporate Plan is our vision of no-one left behind. We are committed to harnessing growth in the right way; so that equality gaps are closed and opportunities around skills, employment and housing are created for our existing residents. Our approach to growth will continue to be guided by principles of inclusive design and urban planning along with consultation and engagement with residents about what they want for their community. Our four priorities will help us achieve this. 

They are:                                 Corp Plan - No one left behind

  • Encouraging civic pride
  • Enabling social responsibility
  • Growing together
  • Well-run organisation

Subject to pending Assembly approval, the new 2018/22 Corporate Plan can be found here: Corporate Plan 2018 - 2022

Progress reports will be presented every three months to Cabinet members.

Our Key Partners

The Council utilises a number of partnership boards, which are aligned to the Borough Manifesto targets and priorities outlined in the Corporate Plan. Each board has its own plans and is responsible for monitoring performance and progress towards these key documents and ensuring appropriate representation from key partners at each board. In order to promote transparency and community engagement, members of the public are encouraged to attend meetings to give their views and speak with regards to the business of the Board. Meetings are also webcast online.

Four key partnerships are outlined below, however for more information on partnerships generally and other boards, visit the following link:

1. Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board brings together key health and social care partners, such as the Council, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS Provider Trusts, and is chaired by the Portfolio holder for health and social care. The Health and Wellbeing Board – which is a statutory requirement – meets on a quarterly basis.

The objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Board are:

  • To deliver priorities set out in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Work towards Borough Manifesto targets and Corporate Plan priorities
  • Strengthen the working relationships between health and social care, and more generally, to encourage the integration of commissioning services
  • Improve health outcomes for local people and reduce health inequalities               

  2. Community Safety Partnership

The Community Safety Partnership brings together key partners, such as Council, NHS, Police and Probation, and is chaired by the Director of Law and Governance. Together the partners address complex issues and have worked openly to develop and implement solutions to create a safer, stronger and more cohesive borough.

The objectives of the Community Safety Partnership are:

  • Work towards Borough Manifesto targets and Corporate Plan priorities
  • Promote collaborative working between key partners
  • Reduce levels of crime and antisocial behaviour in the Borough

 3.Barking and Dagenham Delivery Partnership

The Barking and Dagenham Delivery Partnership (BDDP) owns and is responsible for the delivery of the Borough Manifesto; which is our 20-year vision for the Borough. The BDDP is comprised of local partners from across the public, private and third sectors, and will collectively be responsible for providing oversight, direction, and leadership in order to achieve the aspirations for the borough outlined in the Manifesto.

The BDDP meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by the Deputy Leader of the Council.

The objectives of the BDDP are:

  • To ensure the Borough Manifesto remains a truly ‘place-based’ community owned collaboration
  • Ensure all partners remain accountable and work towards shared aims
  • Monitor and analyse progress towards delivering the Manifesto vision
  • Ensure the aims and aspirations of the Manifesto are embedded as the everyday business of all strategic partners

Explore partnership working in Barking and Dagenham, and horizon-scan new avenues for collaboration

4. Local London

Local London is a group of eight London Boroughs: Barking and Dagenham, Bexley, Enfield, Greenwich, Havering, Newham, Redbridge and Waltham Forest. The group works towards the shared vision of a dynamic, vibrant and prosperous sub-region and focuses on progressing devolution for the region. In addition to its work on devolution, Local London is developing a joint approach to tackling challenges and opportunities across key areas such as housing, employment and economic growth. For example, Local London has recently developed a Skills Strategy.

The vision for Local London is ‘a place which is considered ambitious for its economy, aspirational for its residents and courageous in its reforms’

The objectives of Local London are:

  • Identify opportunities for devolution in this London sub-region
  • Strengthen inter-borough collaboration and integration across East London
  • Capitalise on economic growth while promoting opportunities for the most vulnerable

Community Organisations


In Barking and Dagenham there are a range of groups, for example local voluntary and community groups, faith groups, sports and social clubs, social enterprises etc. They are sometimes also referred to as the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) ‘Not for Profit’ sector or Civil Society. This sector is incredibly diverse and the organisations within it help and support many residents in lots of different ways.

The sector locally is supported by Barking and Dagenham Council for Voluntary Service (BDCVS) and the Barking Enterprise Centre (BEC). If local groups in your ward are looking for support, then these organisations would be able to help.

Barking and Dagenham CVS focuses on supporting local charities. Further information can be found:

The BEC supports local businesses, which includes not for profit companies and community interest companies. Further information can be found:

BandD Together Routemaster

The Routemaster is a fantastic tool that Members and residents can use to easily find those support organisations working in Barking and Dagenham which offer support and help to local people. Types of support include benefits, local agencies and other support organisations.

The tool diagnoses a resident’s need by asking a series of questions to accurately filter them through to a personalised pathway of available support from community organisations that operate in the borough. Members can be confident that the organisation contact information is up to date, because all organisations listed in the Routemaster receive a telephone call every month to check that all information is still relevant.

Key Community Organisations

Below are  the details of key voluntary and community organisations operating within Barking and Dagenham, including their contact details and a brief description of what services they offer:

Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations and Contact Details 

Tenants and Residents Associations

Information on local tenants and residents forums can be found: Housing Forms

Care and Support

There are a range of community and council social care services that are available for residents who would like help with their health, recovery and wellbeing. Further information for adults can be found on the following link:

For the families of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or who are disabled (SEND) further information can be found:Local Offer



Borough Data Explorer

The Borough Data Explorer is an interactive online platform which allows everyone from residents to community groups to access and analyse a vast array of data about their borough. The platform hosts a range of data sets including the Borough Manifesto targets as well as the Social Progress Index.

The Borough Data Explorer can be used to analyse performance within the 17 Barking and Dagenham wards. The platform can also compare the borough of Barking and Dagenham to other London boroughs

The platform is available to everyone and can be used to help us plan and deliver excellent services. 

Meetings and Political Structure

Political Structure

The Council has adopted the strengthened Leader model of governance. Under this model the Council’s executive functions are discharged by the Cabinet as a collective body or are delegated to officers.

The Leader of the Council is elected every four years through the Assembly and in turn he/she appoints up to 9 members to make up the Cabinet, one or more will be appointed as Deputy Leader. Each cabinet member is allocated a specific area of responsibility known as a Portfolio.  

These governance arrangements differ from the Elected Mayor model where all executive functions are discharged by one person, the Elected Mayor.

The Council annually elects a Ceremonial Mayor who is the Borough’s first citizen. He/she performs civic duties and supports organisations and charities. This is a non-political role.

Constitution and Meetings Protocol

The Constitution

All local authorities are required to have a Constitution in place as defined in section 37 of the Local Government Act 2000.The Constitution provides a single point of reference as to how the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (“the Council”) operates. It contains the rules and procedures for making decisions and managing the Council's business. The contents of the Constitution derive from:

  • Statute – Acts of Parliament and Regulations
  • Decisions of the Assembly
  • Decisions of the Council’s Cabinet

The Constitution is divided into chapters covering:

  • Summary and explanation
  • Meeting Articles
  • Officer Scheme of delegation
  • Contract, Financial, Employment and Land Acquisition and Disposal Rules
  • Codes and Protocols
  • Members Allowance Scheme   

    This link takes you to the Constitution. Open the most recent version (at the top of the list). The Parts of the Constitution are referenced throughout the Political Structure section of the App. Scroll through to find the Part referred to.

    Meetings Protocol 

    The general meeting rules can be found in Part 2 (Chapter 3) of the Council Constitution

    At the beginning of each constituted public meeting, the Chair will ask that mobile phones are switched to silent mode and will explain that proceedings will be webcast live over the

    internet. Members of the public who attend meetings and who do not wish to appear in a webcast will be advised to sit in the allocated area which is not in camera range.

    The protocol on filming, webcasting, photography and the use of social media at Council meetings can be viewed in Part 5 (Chapter 6) of the Constitution.

    For further information contact: Alan Dawson, Head of Governance & Electoral Services by email: 

    Calendar of Meetings

    The Council maintains an annual calendar of meetings. This incorporates Council Committees and Boards that make up the Council political structure as well as a range of other meetings and School Governing Bodies. The Calendar can be found here.



    Committees and Boards – Agendas and Minutes


    Made up of all 51 Members 

    Assembly is the central political focus of the Council and the coordinating body for all elements of the political structure.  It sets the overall corporate direction, policy framework and financial limits for the Council within which all operations and policies are carried out.  It aims to foster a community-focused approach to the formal side of the Council's business, recognizing the wider interests of the community and the need to be accountable to them.

     Assembly agenda and minutes


    Made-up of a maximum of 10 Members, appointed to by the Leader of the Council who chairs the meeting.  Each Cabinet Member is allocated certain areas of responsibility, known as a portfolio.

    The Cabinet is the primary decision-making body for matters which are not otherwise delegated, the formal link between Members and officers in terms of overall direction and performance management; and the key forum for ensuring a corporate approach to service delivery and appropriate partnership links with others with a view to effecting community leadership.

    It works within the Council's overall policy framework and pays particular attention to the effective and appropriate use of the Council's resources (workforce, finances and assets).  It is also the body which gives direction to the Chief Executive and the Leadership Group, holds those employees to account for their performance and is also responsible for ensuring appropriate links with external partners.

    Cabinet agendas and minutes

    Health and Wellbeing Board

    is made up of:

    • Cabinet Member for Social Care & Health Integration, Chair
    • The Strategic Director of Service Development and Integration (as both the Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Children’s Services)
    • Four other Cabinet Members, to be appointed by the Leader of the Council (the representation shall revert to three other Cabinet Members in the event of the statutory Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Children’s Services posts being held by separate officers)
    • The Director of Public Health
    • A member appointed by local Health Watch
    • Chair of the Clinical Commissioning Group
    • Further Board-level GP appointment from the Clinical Commissioning Group
    • Accountable Officer for the Clinical Commissioning Group
    • Executive Director level appointment from Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
    • Executive Director level appointment from North East London Foundation NHS Trust
    • Borough Commander, Metropolitan Police Service

    The Health and Wellbeing Board was established on 1 April 2013 under the provisions of Health and Social Care Act 2012. The Board is an executive committee of the Council and has executive functions as delegated by the Cabinet.

    The remit of the Board is to strengthen working relationships between health and social care, and, encourage the development of more integrated commissioning of services. Through its work the Board will improve health outcomes for local people and reduce health inequalities.  The main functions of the Board are:

    • Understand local need and the wider determinants that impact people’s health, and using this intelligence to produce the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, a document from which commissioning and service delivery will flow.
    • Drive the continuous improvement of health and social care through the borough’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and, using this strategy to ensure that health and wellbeing need is met and commissioners are responsive to health and wellbeing priorities.
    • Encourage partnership working and integration in health and social care service.  Overseeing joint arrangements between relevant bodies for the provision of services through Section 75 agreements.
    • Involve elected officials, patient representatives and local people in the commissioning of health and social care services giving communities a greater say in how their needs are addressed.

    Health and Wellbeing Board agenda and minutes 

    Overview and Scrutiny Committee

    Made up of 10 Members and meets monthly

    • Holds Cabinet, senior officers and key partners to account for decisions
    • Contributes to development of key local policies and services (through pre-decision scrutiny)
    • Identifies and investigates services or policy areas which appear to be problematic
    • Appoints a Sub-Committee to deal with call-in of Cabinet decisions and petitions from local residents

    Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda and minutes 

    Health Scrutiny Committee

    Made up of 6 Members and meets quarterly

    The Committee has a similar role to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee but for health-related issues only

    The Scrutiny Handbook will give you an insight into how scrutiny works at Barking and Dagenham, and your role and responsibilities as a scrutiny councillor.

    Health and Scrutiny Committee agenda and minutes

    Licensing and Regulatory Committee 

    Made up of 10 Members.

    The Committee has overall responsibility for a range of licensing matters such as applications for premises licenses for the sale of alcohol, review applications for premises licenses, applications for street trading, night cafes etc. and licenses for sex establishments and betting shops.  The three main aspects of legislation relating to the Committee’s work are the Licensing Act 2003, Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and the Gambling Act 2005. 

    The Committee has appointed a Licensing Sub-Committee consisting of three Members of the Committee including the Chair or Deputy Chair (or both) of the Committee to make decisions as required on applications, in line with statutory guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003. 

    The Committee meets quarterly to consider strategic/policy matters, other current issues and, in exceptional circumstances, applications which would otherwise have been dealt with by the Licensing Sub-Committee but where it has been decided that the matter should go before the full Board.

    The range of licensing matters falling within the remit of the Sub-Committee include applications for premises licenses for the sale of alcohol, review applications for premises licenses, applications for street trading, night cafes etc. and licenses for sex establishments and betting shops.

    Applicants, Responsible Authorities (e.g. the Police, Fire Brigade) as well as any other interested parties such as ward councillors, acting on behalf of their constituents and local residents, who have made relevant representations will be entitled to address the Sub-Committee.

    Licensing and Regulatory Committee agendas and minutes 

    Licensing Sub-Committee agendas and minutes 

    Planning Committee

    Made up of 10 Members and meets monthly

    The Committee makes decisions on larger planning applications or ones that are likely to have a significant impact on the local community.

    Meetings are open to the public and any person who has an interest in any particular planning application (applicant, agent, objector) is entitled to address the Board, as are the relevant ward councillors.

    Planning Committee agenda and minutes 

    Personnel Board

    Hearings consist of three members made up from a total membership of 9 members.

     The Board deals with the following matters in respect of all staff except JNC officers:

     It hears appeals against:

    • dismissal on the grounds of redundancy, gross misconduct, capability and sickness absence, and
    • final written warnings on the grounds of misconduct 

    Personnel Board hearings are held during the day (usually on a Thursday)

    Personnel Board scheduled hearing dates

    Audit and Standards Committee

    Made up of 8 Members and meets approximately 5 times per year

     The Committee:

    • Agrees internal and external audit proposals and reports
    • Reviews financial performance of the Council and its arms-length companies
    • Oversees internal governance arrangements such as whistle-blowing and anti-fraud policies
    • Agrees the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement
    • Oversees Councillor and officer conduct issues
    • Membership of 8 councillors (not Cabinet Members or Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) and meets approx. 5 times a year
    • Appoints a Hearing Sub-Committee to deal with complaints against Councillors

    Audit and Standards Committee agendas and minutes

    Pensions Committee

    Made up of 7 Members and meets quarterly. It also has non-voting members who represent staff and other bodies with an interest in the Fund

    The Committee:

    • Oversees the administration of the staff Pension Fund
    • Agrees the investment policy for the Pension Fund and meets with appointed external fund managers

    Pensions Committee agendas and minutes


    Forward Plans

    By law, councils have to publish a document detailing “Key Decisions” that are to be taken by the Cabinet, Assembly and/or the Health and Wellbeing Board. The document, known as the Forward Plan, is required to be published 28 days before the date that the decisions are to be made.

    A Forward Plan is maintained for the Cabinet and the Assembly, as well as a separate Plan for the Health and Wellbeing Board.  Key decisions are defined as:

    (i) Those that form the Council’s budgetary and policy framework (this is explained in more detail in the Council’s Constitution)

    (ii) Those that involve ‘significant’ spending or savings

    (iii) Those that have a significant effect on the community

    In relation to (ii) above, Barking and Dagenham’s definition of ‘significant’ is spending or savings of £200,000 or more that is not already provided for in the Council’s Budget.

    In relation to (iii) above, Barking and Dagenham has also extended this definition so that it relates to any decision that is likely to have a significant impact on one or more ward (the legislation refers to this aspect only being relevant where the impact is likely to be on two or more wards). As part of the Council’s commitment to open government it has extended the scope of this document so that it includes all known issues, not just “Key Decisions”, that are due to be considered by the decision-making bodies as far ahead as possible.

    The latest Cabinet Forward Plan (and earlier versions) can be viewed here

    The latest Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan (and earlier versions) can be viewed here   

    Attendance Records

    The Governance Services team maintains a record of attendance at the core political structure meetings, which councillors are appointed to each year by the Assembly. These are known as ‘qualifying’ meetings.

    Qualifying meetings include all the Council’s main committee and sub-committee meetings plus other meetings Councillors are formally appointed to, such as school governing bodies and the Housing Forums.

    Ward surgeries, local ward activities, ad-hoc meetings with officers and other informal business meetings are not counted as qualifying meetings. You may wish to keep your own records of these activities.

    Legislation states that if a councillor fails to attend a ‘qualifying’ meeting during a six-month period, he/she will immediately cease to be a councillor. The system used by the Governance Services team alerts councillors to any periods of non-attendance of longer than three months. This means that steps can be taken before the six-month deadline.

    If your are unable to attend a meeting, please notify the Committee Clerk of your apologies in advance of the start of the meeting and these will be recorded.

    For further information contact: Alan Dawson, Head of Governance & Electoral Services by email: or phone: 020 8227 2348

    Outside Bodies

    The Assembly and the Cabinet have the powers to appoint members and officers to serve on a range of Outside Bodies  in a variety of capacities

    The Council Constitution provides a guide to the law for members and officers on Outside bodies which can be viewed here   

    Media and Communications

    Media Protocols

    This section provides guidance for Members when dealing with the media.

    Press Enquiries

    The Council has a clear media protocol. This protocol specifies that either the Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council and/or Cabinet Members are the official spokespeople to the media on behalf of the Borough.

    Generally, Cabinet Members act as the relevant spokesperson on their area of responsibility. When a Cabinet Member is unavailable, the Leader or Deputy Leader acts as the spokesperson or delegates responsibility to another Member. The Mayor acts as spokesperson on specific Mayoral related events and issues.

    Members are free to comment to the media on ward issues, or issues of local concern. It is important you make it clear to the journalist the capacity in which you’re commenting, making a distinction between comments in an official capacity as a Cabinet Member or Scrutiny Chair or as a ward Member/community representative.

    For official media comments on behalf of the Council and Borough, Members should direct the media to the Council’s press office who will organise the media response and liaise with the relevant Cabinet Member.

    Press enquiries and politics

    The Local Government Act 1986 states that: “A local authority shall not publish any material which in whole, or in part, appears to be designated to affect public support for a political party. It cannot give financial or other assistance to any other organisation to publish such political material.”

     If a media enquiry is political or relates to a media release issued by a political party, the response of the Council’s press office will be limited to factual clarification only. All political enquiries will be referred to the Leader of the relevant party to respond to.


    The Code of Practice on Local Authority Publicity precludes “proactive publicity in all its forms” of candidates and other politicians directly involved in the election after the notice of an election has been issued (normally six weeks prior to the election).

     The Code also states that publicity should not deal with controversial issues or report views, proposals or recommendations in such a way that identifies them with individual members or group of members. Press releases, photo calls, public events and press statements will therefore not involve Members in the six weeks prior to an election.

     Councillors in key political or civic positions can comment on behalf of the Council in an emergency or where there is genuine need for a member quote in this period.

     For more information contact:

    Tel: 020 8227 2022


    Barking and Dagenham’s Newsroom Webpage:

    Members' Briefings 2024


    Issue 407 - 8 April

    Issue 406 - 1 April


    Issue 405 - 25 March

    Issue 404 - 18 March

    Issue 402 - 4 March


    Issue 401 - 26 February

    Issue 400 - 19 February

    Issue 398 - 5 February


    Issue 397 - 29 January

    Issue 396 - 22 January

    Issue 395 - 15 January

    Issue 394 - 8 January

    Member Development Newsletter

    Issue and Date Link
    Issue 10: October 2023 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 10
    Issue 9: February 2023 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 9
    Issue 8: September 2022 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 8
    Issue 7: January 2022 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 7
    Issue 6: September 2021 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 6
    Issue 5: January 2021 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 5
    Issue 4: June 2020 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 4
    Issue 3: December 2019 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 3
    Issue 2: June 2019 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 2
    Issue 1: October 2018 Member Development Newsletter - Issue 1

    Social Media Channels and Councillors' Guidance

    Social media is an increasingly important method of communication for the council, in order to inform and stay in touch with our residents.

    The Council's social media channels:

    London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council Facebook Page - 

    London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council Twitter –

    London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council Instagram -

    London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council YouTube Channel -

     One Borough Live – Barking and Dagenham Community TV -



    Archive: Members' Briefings 2018 - 2023

    Members' Briefings 2023


    Issue 393 - 18 December

    Issue 392 - 11 December

    Issue 391 - 4 December


    Issue 390 - 27 November

    Issue 388 - 13 November

    Issue 387 - 6 November


    Issue 386 - 27 October

    Issue 385 - 20 October

    Issue 384 - 16 October

    Issue 838 - 9 October

    Issue 382 - 2 October


    Issue 381 - 25 September

    Issue 380 - 18 September

    Issue 378 - 11 September

    Issue 377 - 4 September


    Issue 367 - 28 August

    Issue 366 - 21 August

    Issue 365 - 14 August


    Issue 364 - 31 July

    Issue 363 - 24 July

    Issue 362 - 17 July

    Issue 361 - 10 July

    Issue 360 - 3 July


    Issue 359 - 26 June

    Issue 358 - 18 June

    Issue 357 - 12 June

    Issue 356 - 5 June


    Issue 355 - 29 May

    Issue 354 - 15 May

    Issue 353 - 8 May

    Issue 352 - 1 May


    Issue 351 - 24 April

    Issue 350 - 17 April

    Issue 349 - 10 April

    Issue 348 - 3 April


    Issue 347 - 27 March

    Issue 346 - 20 March

    Issue 345 - 13 March

    Issue 344 - 6 March


    Issue 343 - 27 February

    Issue 342 - 20 February

    Issue 341 - 13 February 

    Issue 340 - 6 February


    Issue 339 - 30 January

    Issue 338 - 23 January

    Issue 337 - 16 January

    Issue 336 - 9 January

    Members' Briefings 2022


    Issue 335 - 19 December

    Issue 334 - 12 December

    Issue 333 - 5 December


    Issue 332 - 28 November

    Issue 331 - 21 November

    Issue 330 - 14 November

    Issue 329 - 5 November


    Issue 328 - 31 October

    Issue 327 - 24 October

    Issue 326 - 17 October

    Issue 325 - 10 October

    Issue 324 - 3 October


    Issue 322 - 16 September

    Issue 321 - 9 September

    Issue 320 - 5 September


    Issue 319 - 29 August

    Issue 318 - 22 August

    Issue 317 - 15 August

    Issue 316 - 8 August

    Issue 315 - 1 August


    Issue 314 - 25 July

    Issue 313 - 18 July

    Issue 312 - 11 July

    Issue 311 - 4 July


    Issue 310 - 27 June

    Issue 309 - 20 June

    Issue 308 - 13 June


    Issue 307 - 30 May

    Issue 306 - 23 May

    Issue 305 - 16 May


    Issue 304 - 27 March

    Issue 303 - 21 March

    Issue 302 - 14 March

    Issue 301 - 7 March


    Issue 300 - 28 February

    Issue 299 - 21 February

    Issue 298 - 14 February

    Issue 296 - 7 February


    Issue 296 - 31 January

    Issue 295 - 24 January

    Issue 294 - 17 January

    Issue 293 - 10 January

    Members' Briefings 2021


    Issue 291 - 13 December

    Issue 290 - 6 December


    Issue 289 - 29 November

    Issue 288 - 22 November

    Issue 287 - 15 November

    Issue 286 - 8 November

    Issue 285 - 1 November


    Issue 284 - 25 October

    Issue 283 - 18 October

    Issue 282 - 11 October

    Issue 281 - 4 October


    Issue 280 - 27 September

    Issue 279 - 20 September

    Issue 278 - 13 September

    Issue 277 - 6 September


    Issue 276 - 30 August

    Issue 275 - 23 August

    Issue 274 - 16 August

    Issue 273 - 9 August

    Issue 272 - 2 August


    Issue 271 - 26 July

    Issue 270 - 19 July

    Issue 269 - 12 July

    Issue 268 - 5 July


    Issue 267 - 28 June

    Issue 266 - 21 June

    Issue 265 - 14 June

    Issue 264 - 7 June


    Issue 263 - 31 May

    Issue 262 - 24 May

    Issue 261 - 17 May

    Issue 260 - 10 May

    Issue 259 - 3 May


    Issue 258 - 26 April

    Issue 257 - 19 April

    Issue 256 - 12 April

    Issue 255 - 5 April


    Issue 254 - 29 March

    Issue 253 - 22 March

    Issue 252 - 15 March

    Issue 251 - 8 March

    Issue 250 - 1 March


    Issue 249 - 22 February

    Issue 248 - 15 February

    Issue 246 - 01 February


    Issue 245 - 25 January

    Issue 244 - 18 January

    Issue 243 - 11 January

    Members' Briefings 2020


    Issue 242 - 21 December

    Issue 241 - 14 December

    Issue 240 - 7 December


    Issue 239 - 30 November

    Issue 238 - 23 November

    Issue 237 - 16 November

    Issue 236 - 9 November

    Issue 235 - 2 November


    Issue 235 - 26 October

    Issue 233 - 19 October

    Issue 232 - 12 October

    Issue 231 - 5 October


    Issue 230 - 28 September

    Issue 229 - 21 September

    Issue 228 - 14 September

    Issue 227 - 7 September


    Issue 226 - 31 August

    Issue 225 - 24 August

    Issue 224 - 17 August

    Issue 223 - 10 August

    Issue 222 - 3 August


    Issue 221 - 28 July

    Issue 220 - 20 July

    Issue 219 - 10 July

    Issue 218 - 03 July


    Issue 217 - 26 June

    Issue 216 - 19 June

    Issue 215 - 12 June

    Issue 214 - 5 June


    Issue 213 - 29 May

    Issue 212 - 22 May

    Issue 211 - 15 May

    Issue 210 - 8 May

    Issue 209 - 1 May


    Issue 208 - 24 April

    Issue 207 - 17 April

    Issue 206 - 9 April

    Issue 205 - 3 April


    Issue 204 - 27 March

    Issue 203 - 20 March

    Issue 202 - 6 March


    Issue 201 - 28 February

    Issue 200 - 21 February

    Issue 199 - 14 February

    Issue 198 - 3 February


    Issue 197 - 31 January

    Issue 196 - 24 January

    Issue 194 - 10 January

    Issue 193 - 3 January

    Members' Briefings 2019


    Issue 192 - 20 December

    Issue 191 - 13 December


    Issue 190 - 1 November


    Issue 189 - 25 October

    Issue 188 - 18 October

    Issue 187 - 11 October

    Issue 186 - 4 October


    Issue 185 - 27 September

    Issue 184 - 20 September

    Issue 183 - 13 September

    Issue 182 - 6 September


    Issue 181 - 2 August


    Issue 180 - 26 July

    Issue 179 - 19 July

    Issue 178 - 12 July

    Issue 177 - 5 July


    Issue 176 - 28 June

    Issue 175 - 21 June

    Issue 174 - 14 June

    Issue 173 - 7 June


    Issue 172 - 31 May

    Issue 171 - 24 May

    Issue 170 - 17 May

    Issue 169 - 10 May

    Issue 168 - 3 May

    April 2019

    Issue 167 - 26 April

    Issue 166 - 18 April

    Issue 165 - 12 April

    Issue 164 - 05 April

    March 2019

    Issue 163 - 29 March

    Issue 162 - 22 March

    Issue 161 - 15 March

    Issue 160 - 8 March

    Issue 159 - 1 March

    February 2019

    Issue 158 - 22 February

    Issue 157 - 15 February

    Issue 156 - 8 February

    Issue 155 - 1 February

    January 2019

    Issue 154 - 25 January

    Issue 153 - 18 January

    Issue 152 - 11 January

    Members' Briefings 2018

    December 2018

    Issue 150 - 7 December

    Issue 151 - 14 December

    November 2018

    Issue 145 - 2 November

    Issue 146 - 9 November

    Issue 147 - 16 November

    Issue 148 - 23 November

    Issue 149 - 30 November

    October 2018

    Issue 141 - 05 October

    Issue 142 - 12 October

    Issue 143 - 19 October

    Issue 144 - 26 October

    September 2018

    Issue 137 - 7 September

    Issue 138 - 14 September

    Issue 139 - 21 September

    Issue 140 - 28 September

    August 2018

    Issue 136 - 3 August

    July 2018

    Issue 132 - 6 July

    Issue 133 - 13 July

    Issue 134 - 20 July

    June 2018

    Issue 127 - 1 June

    Issue 128 - 8 June

    Issue 129 - 15 June

    Issue 130 - 22 June

    Issue 131 - 29 June

    May 2018

    Issue 124 - 11 May

    Issue 125 - 18 May

    Issue 126 - 25 May

    March 2018

    Issue 120 - 2 March

    Issue 121 - 9 March

    Issue 122 - 16 March

    Issue 123 - 23 March

    February 2018

    Issue 116 - 2 February

    Issue 117 - 9 February

    Issue 118 - 16 February

    Issue 119 - 23 February

    Your Support

    Register - Contact Details

    Council officers, residents and partner organisations need to know how you wish to be contacted. Your details will appear with your official photograph on the Council's website and business cards ordered. 

    The telephone numbers in the first section are for internal use only. The section under Public Information will be used for the Council's public website and your business cards. You will be asked to approve your business cards before they are printed.

    If you have any questions or need help, please email:

    Member Benefits

    Health and Wellbeing

    LBBD offers access to a range of free, professional advice and support for Members and your family such as the Occupational Health Service. as well as various other services. to find out more, click on the following link: Health and Wellbeing

    Eye Tests and Glasses

    Members can claim a contribution to the cost of their eye tests and glasses in the same way LBBD employees do. Costs need to be claimed back via Oracle.

    The process is outlined below. This includes the link to the form that needs to be printed and taken to the optician when your eye test is carried out.

    Full eyesight tests will be provided to all users of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) who use such equipment as a significant part of their work, including Members.

    The fee is in respect of DSE eyesight tests:

    • At user's request
    • At regular intervals thereafter
    • Where users experience visual difficulties considered to be caused by work on display screen equipment.

    Employees and Members  requesting a DSE eye examination should make an appointment with an optometrist of their choice, taking with them a LBBD eye test form – see the bottom of this page.

    Please take proof of identity when attending optometrist appointments. There are no restrictions as to the optometrist that may be used.

    After completing the eye test, the form should be signed by the optometrist ensuring that all appropriate sections of the form have been completed.


    To gain reimbursement, costs should be claimed via the Council’s I-Expenses system (Oracle). To claim your expenses, please complete the I-Expenses form on Oracle. This will then be forwarded to for approval. Ensure the completed (Eye Test) form and your optician receipt are attached to your claim on Oracle. 

    Once approved, the amount claimed will be transferred directly into your bank account. Expenses will be paid if corrective eye wear is required for working with DSE as defined by the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 You are permitted to choose corrective vision appliances of your choice and in accordance with the Regulations the Council will contribute a portion of the costs for spectacles* only where these are needed for display screen work, as follows:

    • £22 towards the cost of an eye test
    • £53 towards the cost of single vision lenses (for spectacles only*)
    • £78 towards the cost of bi-focal lenses (for spectacles only*)

     * The Council only has to pay for glasses for DSE work if the test shows you need special glasses prescribed for the distance the screen is viewed at. If an ordinary prescription is suitable, employers do not have to pay for glasses. The Regulations apply to glasses only and not contact lenses.

    Anti-glare screens and ‘VDU spectacles' and other devices that purport to protect against radiation are not special corrective appliances.

    eye test form

    The Wider Wallet Scheme

    Members have access to the Wider Wallet Scheme. Wider Wallet is a is a private discount and benefits package which brings together a wide range of national and local offers, along with clear information on other Employee Benefits.

    To sign up to the Wider Wallet Scheme, please visit the Wider Wallet Scheme Under the New Member Registration section, you will need to enter the access code. The access code is S373535E.

    Once you have entered your details, you should receive a welcome email from Wider Wallet.

    Body MOT's (Health Checks)

    A free health check could help keep you healthy and even save your life! The council’s body MOTs are available for Members and Officers.  Your MOT will include lifestyle and cardiovascular checks and a measurement of cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, height & weight (used to calculate your Body Mass Index). You can also find out about stop smoking services, Weight Watchers and much more. 

    To help with your future fitness, you will be given a free month’s trial for Abbey Leisure Centre and Becontree Heath Leisure Centre when you complete a full Body MOT. Checks are held at:  Occupational Health Department, The Hope Wing, Porters Avenue Health Centre, 234 Porters Avenue, Dagenham, RM8 2EQ. To make an appointment please phone Occupational Health on 020 8227 3509. 

    Information, Advice and Counselling Helpline - Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

    Members and Staff have free access to this confidential service.  It offers extra support to manage life’s everyday challenges; both work and personal. It is available by telephone, email, instant messaging and online.  Their staff are specialists in fields such as wellbeing, family matters, relationship issues, debt management, consumer rights, and much more.

    You are able to contact the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For monitoring, if asked, please give your department/section as 'Chief Executives'.

    You can phone the EAP on 0800 243 458. They can provide you with:

    • Telephone support
    • Fact sheets and packs
    • Resource information on support services in your local area
    • Short-term face to face or telephone counselling

     The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is delivered by Workplace Options, an independent provider of employee support services.Their comprehensive website offers extensive resources including articles, interactive tools and regular online seminars. The website can be accessed:  

    Please click on ‘Member Login’ then enter: User name: lbbd Password: employee

    Business Cards

    Upon request to Members will be provided with a set of 200 business cards.  The business card will show the Member’s name, the ward they represent as well as any positions they may hold with the exception of a party position such as Chief Whip.

    The card will state the following:

    • A contact telephone number
    • Twitter and Facebook details (either Council or personal)
    • Your ward
    • The address of the Members’ Room, Barking Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking, Essex  IG11 7LU (unless you request your personal address to be used).

    Members cannot include personal, political commentary such as: “As  Councillor for …… Ward I have demonstrated my commitment to the Ward by …..” etc. 

    You can include any professional qualifications and where an award has been bestowed  e.g. MBE, OBE.

    You will be provided with a proof of your business card by Member Support for clearance before it is printed.

    Upon request a second set of cards will be provided after 6 months. If you want additional business cards these can be printed at your own expense.

    Out Of Office

    An Out of Office message will notify people who email you that you are  currently unable to respond to their email.  It is very useful to set an Out of Office message, so your residents, local organisations, council Members and officers understand why you are not responding to their emails and when you will become available.

     An example message could be:

     "Thank you for your message.

    I am currently unable to respond to your email as I am away. I will return on ………..(date).

     If you would like to contact one of my ward councillor colleagues, their email addresses are and"

    Below are instructions on how to upload the Out of Office message.

    Please Note: The process displayed below is for outlook on your laptops. The process may be different for phones and iPads.

    1. Log onto your outlook, locate the tab named File at the top.

    Out Of Office: No.1

    2. Clicking on the File tab will bring you to the Account Information page. Next, please click on the Automatic Replies (Out of Office) link.

    Out of Office, No 2

    3. Automatic Replies box will than appear. It should look like the image below. Then click on Send automatic replies box. Once this is done, please make sure that the Box named Only send during this time range, is ticked.

    Out of Office, No 3

    4. After you have ticked the box, you can then state the day/s and time that you will be out of office. Therefore, anyone trying to contact you during this period, will receive your out of office message.

    Out of Office, No 4

    5. You will then be required to write your message in the text box below. It would be useful to include the contact details of your fellow ward councillors, just in case the matter is urgent.

    It is important that you make sure that the message is displayed on the Inside My Organization tab, as well as the Outside My Organization tab. As Copy and Paste will not work for this feature, you will need to type the message twice.

    The Inside My Organization tab will display the message to your fellow councillors along with the council officers.

    New Out of Office 5.1

    The Outside My Organization tab will display the message to people outside the council such as a resident in your ward.

    New Out of Office 5.2

    Once you have finished writing your messages, then simply click OK. The messages will now automatically be displayed when someone emails you.

    Members' Car Parking Permits

    The Council uses a system of virtual car parking permits for all staff, including elected Councillors, and residents. These can be applied for and amended via the PermitSmarti website at the following link:


    Staff Parking (


    Once you have registered for a PermitSmarti account, this will be authorised by the Parking Services back office team and an email will be sent to you, with a link, which you must click to activate your account. The account must be applied for using your LBBD email address.


    Once activated, you can apply for your Members (Red) permit.  

    IT Support

    If you have any IT issues, you can go to the IT Service Desk page. Here you can view articles that you might find helpful, you can also Report an Issue to IT, who in turn will contact you regarding your IT issue. Alternately, you may be able to contact IT by phone on the following number: 02082272013.

    IT User Guides

    The PC Guide provides information:

    • laptop
    • passwords
    • connecting to wifi
    • Accessing Oracle (for payslips and expense claims)

    The iPad Guide provides information in relation to your iPad:

    • changing your passcode
    • connecting to wifi
    • explanation of pre-loaded Apps: Mod.Gov, Members' App, My Account, Members' Casework 

    Each Member has been issued with an iPad which has an 8GB monthly data allowance assigned. Excess data charges over and above the 8GB allowance will be applied by EE the Council's mobile provider capped at £50 per month, the cost of which will be responsibility of the individual Member and deducted from the Member monthly allowance     

    The Guide takes you through the steps so you can, if you wish, access the Council's Outlook email system on your mobile phone.



    Your Ward

    Councillor Surgeries

    Councillors are expected to hold a surgery at least once a month to deal with Ward enquiries. Holiday periods of August & December and the period just before Council elections are excluded.

    You may decide to rota surgeries with other ward members or carry them out on your own depending on the political make-up of the ward. 

    Together with ward colleagues, you are responsible for identifying the venue/s for your ward surgery. This should be at a location that is easily accessed by residents.  Examples include a church hall, community center, library or Council building.

    Councillors are responsible for contacting venue organisers to arrange bookings.  Disabled access to the building, cost and consideration for the safety for yourself and others should be considered when booking a venue.

    Once the surgery details have been arranged, posters advertising the venue can be printed using a corporate style, on request to

    The cost of hire of surgery venues will be met by the Council. Kindly keep hire costs to a minimum. Please email invoices for payment to:

    Please notify  of any changes to surgery details so these can be updated on the Council's website.

    Members Ward Surgery Booklet

    We have designed a Members Ward Surgery Booklet to help assist members in holding their surgeries. The booklet contains Personal Safety Tips, information regarding Members Casework and an Surgery Premises Health and Safety Checklist. This booklet is available for all members via the link below:

    Members Ward Surgery Booklet

    Members’ Casework and Service Requests

    The Do's and Don'ts of Members' Casework

    Members’ Casework

    Residents will raise issues that concern them at your Surgery, by phone or email, or even in the street. The Council has a dedicated team, the Feedback Team who will ensure you receive a reply from council officers within 10 working days. The Casework system also enables the Council to analyse the types of concerns raised by residents so we can improve our services.

    Service Requests

    If a resident reports an issue such as a fly tip, a broken streetlight or a missed bin, (to name but three examples), this would be a service request and would need to be reported by yourself, (using your council email address), or reported by the resident via My B&D

    How to raise Casework

    Members’ Casework enquiries will be acknowledged within 24 hours and a full response provided within a maximum of 10 working days. To report your casework:



    Call 0208 724 8989 (x 8989 internal)

    If you see an issue yourself, such as a flytip or graffiti (for example), please report this as a service request via My B&D

    What Information Do I Need to Provide?

    The more detail you can give, the easier it will be to answer your enquiry. Please send your request to: 


    At times, a family member or friend of the person whose case it is may contact you for an update. Their intention may be innocent but it is a breach of data protection to share the information with a third party. More importantly, sharing the information might cause difficulties for the resident whose case it is. Please remember to only give out information to the resident whose case you have taken up.

    Please Note: if you have consent of the third party, written authorisation is still required before for LBBD can share information. 

    What Can and Can’t Be Dealt with by Members’ Casework?

    As a councillor, you can best deal with casework concerning Council services and related local issues within your ward. The Council is very limited in its ability to resolve questions related to external bodies such as the Police or Registered Social Landlords.

    The Casework system cannot be used for

    • School Admission Appeals,
    • PCN’s including Fixed Penalty notices for parking offences,
    • Homelessness Appeals,
    • Cases currently with the Ombudsman
    • Service requests ie: a missed bin, pot hole report etc.

    All of the above cases have their own appeals process, which, in law, have to be followed.

    How do I deal with complaints?

    Sometimes you will receive an email from a resident, copied to you, that has been addressed to an MP, Corporate Complaints etc. In these circumstances please do not respond as the case will have been logged by the MP, Corporate Complaints etc.

    In those cases where a resident has addressed their email both to you and to the MP and Corporate Complaints, the Feedback Team will log the case against the most appropriate category.

    This means the Feedback Team will not process the same matter as casework and a complaint; it will be one or the other.

    Crime Statistics

    See and understand where crime is happening in your ward

    A new web-based system of reporting key crimes and other issues is now available. This web-based format which reports local crime statistics in your ward, is available online. The latest figures relate to recorded crime.

    The Borough Data Explorer allows you to compare the crime statistics within the 17 Barking and Dagenham wards. You can also compare the borough of Barking and Dagenham crime statistics to other London boroughs. Crime statistics can be viewed under the Safety heading

    To get an even clearer picture of what is happening in your ward please report crime or suspected criminal activities using this website, even if you think the police must know what's going on.

    For further support on using the website, please contact Penny Pyke on 020 8227 5292 or 07870 278 218 or email

    Specific requests for data on your ward can be requested by contacting Inspector John Cooze on 020 8217 7964 or 07769 287 410 or email   The Safer Neighbourhood Team will endeavour depending on the nature of the request to respond within 24 hours.

    Citizens’ Alliance Network

    The interactive neighbourhood maps on the Citizens’ Alliance Network  gives you an insight on what is going on in your ward areas. This includes up coming and past events as well as seeing where the Ward Budget have been spent. 

    The link below will lead you to the general My Neighbourhood hub:

    My Neighbourhood

    Alternately, The links below will lead you to the direct maps of the neighbourhood. 

    Barking Town

    Dagenham East, the Village and Beyond


    Becontree Heath to Rush Green

    Chadwell Heath and Marks Gate

    Dagenham Dock and Beam Park

    Thames and Riverside

    Your Role

    Your Role

    As a councillor, you will have many different roles and competing priorities. You will represent your ward, engage with local residents, businesses and groups and act as a leader for your community.

    Within the Council, you will contribute to the development of policies and strategies, including budget setting. You may also have the opportunity to make decisions on Cabinet, scrutinise the decisions of the Council and partner organisations and make decisions on a range of committees.

    As you will be representing the Council and in the public eye, you are encouraged to consider issues of punctuality and appropriate dress for public meetings where the press and public may be present. If a Member attends only part of a Council meeting, the time they arrive and leave is recorded.

    You can use Member Role Profiles like job descriptions to help you decide which position/s you would like to stand for. These profiles can help you assess your skills and where you may want to develop.

    First Aid and Fire Safety at Council Buildings

    First Aid Facilities at Council Buildings

    Reception desks in Council buildings hold a first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders for that building. This list is also posted at strategic points on notice boards around the buildings.

    There are defibrillators mounted in the receptions at the Town Hall and Roycraft House for use in the event of heart failure. It is not essential to be trained in the use of this equipment in emergencies, instructions are supplied within the packs. There is a list of staff that have been trained in its use adjacent to the sets supplied.

    If you have an accident or you are a victim of an incident or assault or witness one, you must report it to the reception desk regardless of severity. The reception/ facilities staff will complete an incident report with you to ensure accurate records are kept.

    If you have any queries, issues or complaints with the facilities in the Town Hall, Stour Road or Roycraft House please contact Robby Misir, Facilities Manager by email: or phone: 07875 397 844

    Fire Safety

    Fire instruction notices are displayed in all corporate buildings and there are booklets available in the Members’ Room. These provide instructions on the action to be taken when a fire breaks out, the fire drill routine and assembly point. Please read the fire notices / booklets and take immedi­ate and appropriate action whenever the alarm sounds. You must comply with the fire evacuation plan for the premises and follow the Fire Warden’s instructions at all times. The fire wardens are responsible for area clearance during evacuations and one will attend in the event of an alarm evacuation to check that the rooms have been cleared.

    If you have mobility issues that may affect your ability to quickly leave a building unaided, you may need a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).  For more information please contact Bradley Paris (Health & Safety Advisor) by email: or phone: 020 8227 3222.

    For assistance in the event of evacuations please contact Facilities Helpdesk by phone: 020 8227 2392 or email: 

    Personal Safety

    Councillors' Surgeries

    Face to face surgeries are still suspended whiles the COVID-19 pandemic continues.  Councillors should use alternative methods of contacting residents such as Microsoft Teams meetings, email and telephone calls.

     Our security is your security

    Please wear your ID badge at all times when in Council buildings. To ensure high standards of security for all, staff or councillors who don't have ID on display may be challenged.

    Please be aware of people following closely behind you as they pass through restricted access doors – also known as 'tailgating'. Please report any suspicious incidents to Security (0208 227 3178)

    If you lose your ID card, please contact – 0208 227 3178 or email: 

    The Council’s Physical Infrastructure Security Policy can be viewed here

    Staying safe in an attack

    While there is no specific threat identified to council buildings or the borough of Barking and Dagenham, you should always remain on alert. Official advice from the police if you are caught up in a firearm or weapon attack is:

    • Run to a place of safety;
    • Hide rather than confront; and
    • Tell the police by calling 999.

    Further information, including a video, can be seen at

    Freedom of Information (FOI)

    The Council and its elected members are all subject to Freedom of Information requests.  Elected members may be asked for copies of their correspondence (be it email or otherwise) at any time.

    The Council may also receive Freedom of Information requests about the activities of elected members.

    More details about Freedom of Information

    Register of Interests

    In accordance with the Councillors' Code of Conduct Members are required to register any disclosable pecuniary interests of themselves or their spouse or civil partner or person who they live with as if they were a spouse or civil partner, within 28 days of taking up office. Elected Members are also required to notify the Monitoring Officer if there are any changes in those recorded interests as they occur.   

    It is a criminal offence if a councillor fails, without reasonable excuse, to declare or register interests. You can find below the Register of Interests form, and the Guidance for completing the form:

    Register of Interests form

    Guidance for completing Register of Interests form


    If you require assistance, please contact: Alison Stuart,, Head of Law and Monitoring Officer by email:  or phone Padma Mistry (Alison's PA) on 0208 227 2951

    Gifts and Hospitality

    In accordance with the Councillors' Code of Conduct Members must, within 28 days of receipt, notify the Monitoring Officer in writing of any gift, benefit or hospitality with an actual or estimated value of £50 or more which they have accepted in their capacity as an elected Member of the Council from any person or body other than the Council. See attached form:

    Gifts and Hospitality Form

    DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Checks

    There is a requirement for all Barking and Dagenham Council Members to be subject to a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check.  This is outlined in: paragraph 5.3 of Part 5, Chapter 1 of the Council's constitution

    DBS check

    If you do not have a current DBS Certificate,  can assist you to apply for one. The Council will pay for the check to be completed.

    In order to do so, you will need to provide:

    1. Your National Insurance Number
    2. Details of your addresses over the last 5 years
    3. Any 3 of the following: Passport, Driving Licence, Bank Statement, Utility Bill

    When a current DBS check has been carried out, this will be recorded in Members' Personal Information on the Council's website.

    Virtual Meetings

    LBBD Guidance

    LBBD Virtual Meeting Guidance

    Virtual Meeting Guide - with iPad

    Virtual Meeting Guide - with laptop

    Remote meetings hub on the LGA website

    Support and Guidance from LGA

    Good Practice Tips

    Peer to Peer Support

    Holding Council Meetings online e-learning module accessed via LGA e-learning

    You will find the module on ‘Holding council meetings online’ at the bottom of the list. This e-module covers chairing and managing remote meetings following the change in legislation earlier this month.

    Councillors' Code of Conduct

    Ten general principles govern the conduct of local councillors. These define the standards that all members need to uphold.

    The principles are:

    • selflessness
    • honesty and integrity
    • objectivity
    • accountability
    • openness
    • personal judgement
    • respect for others
    • duty to uphold the law
    • stewardship and leadership

    All Councils must have a code of conduct for Members. This is the one for Barking and Dagenham:

    Councillors' Code of Conduct

    Your Learning

    Welcome to Your Learning section

    Training schedules, resources from the Local Government Association, and the slides from internal training sessions are provided in this section. There is also information on creating your own Personal Development Plan (PDP) to enable you to assess your skills and progress further.

    London Councils re-awarded the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham the Charter Plus standard for Councillor Development in 2020. 

    The assessors praised the way LBBD councillors had taken their training and applied it to their borough e.g. Windrush and getting younger people into training. The following were highly commended:

    • Members' App for Councillors, with first class links and resources to internal/LGA training and modules and PDPs
    • Huge achievements in Member Development since March 2020, especially given the Covid-19 circumstances
    • High level of engagement with Councillors, for example through the Member Development Newsletter
    • That previous recommendations had been acted on including the area of Overview and Scrutiny

    The Councillor Learning and Development Plan provides a framework of good practice for elected Members in LB Barking and Dagenham. The Plan aims to ensure learning and development supports the vision for the borough, develops Members in your various roles, is cost effective and meets the highest standards.

    Your feedback and ideas are welcome!

    Please contact Leanna McPherson, Member Development Leader Officer by phone: 020 8227 2852 or email:


    Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2023 - April 2024

    Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
    Training for Scrutiny and Policy Task Group Members: Questioning Skills 4th March 2024 Questioning Skills Evaluation Form
    Members Briefing - Localities 28th March 2024 Localities Evaluation Form Localities Presentation
    ACT Awareness (Action Counters Terrorism) 27th February 2024 ACT Awareness Evaluation Form Running a Safe Surgery
    Members Briefing - Inclusive Economy 31st January 2024 Inclusive Economy Evaluation Form
    Speed Reading Course 10th January 2024 Speed Reading Evaluation Form

    Reading for Speed and Retention 2023

    LBBD Reading For Speed and Retention

    Members Briefing- Budget Update 4th December 2023 Budget Update Evaluation Form  


    Members Briefing - Knife Crime 27th September 2023 Knife Crime Evaluation Form  

    Knife Crime Overview Presentation

    Personnel Board
    6th July 2023 Personnel Board Evaluation Form Personnel Board Recording

    Personnel Board - HR Presentation

    Personnel Board - Legal Presentation

    Planning Committee Training 21st June 2023 Planning Committee Evaluation Form Planning Committee Presentation
    Members Briefing - Waste Strategy 12th June 2023 Waste Strategy Evaluation Form Waste Strategy Presentation

    Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2022 - April 2023

    Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
    Member Briefing: Investment Strategy 23rd March 2023 Investment Strategy Evaluation Form Investment Strategy Recording

    Investment Strategy Presentation 

    Member Briefing: Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan 28 February 2023 Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan Evaluation Form Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan Recording 


    Licensing Sub-Committee Training 15th February 2023 Licensing Sub-Committee Evaluation Form Licensing Sub-Committee Recording


    Member Briefing: Budget 19th January 2023 Budget Evaluation Form  


    Pensions Committee Training

    11th January 2023 Pensions Committee Evaluation Form  

    Pensions Committee Training Presentation 

    Member Briefing: An Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement

    10th January 2023 An Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement Evaluation Form Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement Recording

    Public protection services: Councillor Handbook 

    Induction to Enforcement Portfolio Presentation

    Member Briefing: Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service 26th October 2022 Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service Recording 

    Serious Youth Violence Presentation

    Member Briefing: School Admissions 25th October 2022 School Admissions  School Admissions Recording

    School Admissions Overview

    School Admissions Presentation 

    Member Briefing: Social Media Training 19th October 2022 Social Media Training   


    Member Briefing: Members on Outside Bodies 6th September 2022 Members on Outside Bodies Members on Outside Bodies Recording

    Liability of Members on Outside Bodies Presentation 

    Overview and Scrutiny Training 22nd August 2022 Overview and Scrutiny Overview and Scrutiny Recording

    Scrutiny Presentation

    Mandatory: Equality and Diversity 26th July 2022 Mandatory: Equality and Diversity   

    Equality and Diversity Presentation 

    Equality Presentation

    Speaking Effectively at Meetings 19th July 2022 Speaking Effectively at Meetings  Speaking Effectively at Meetings Recording

    Audit and Standards Committee 18th July 2022 Audit and Standards Committee  

    Mandatory: Recruitment and Selection 13th July 2022 Mandatory: Recruitment and Selection  Recruitment and Selection Recording

    Member Briefing: Corporate Parenting 5th July 2022 Corporate Parenting   

    Chairing Meetings
    4th July 2022 Chairing Meetings   

    Chairing Meetings Presentation

    Mandatory: Personnel Board
    23rd June 2022 Mandatory: Personnel Board  

    Mandatory: Licensing & Regulatory Committee
    16th June 2022 Mandatory: Licensing & Regulatory Committee  

    Pensions’ Committee 15th June 2022 Pensions’ Committee  

    Pension Committee Presentation

    Health Scrutiny Committee 
    13th June 2022 Health Scrutiny Committee  

    Health Scrutiny Presentation

    Member Briefing: New HR and Payroll Demonstration 7th June 2022 New HR and Payroll Demonstration  

    iTrent Link 

    Training materials

     iTrent - Logging into iTrent on your LBBD device.pdf

     iTrent - ESS - Updating your sensitive information.pdf

     iTrent - ESS - Updating your bank details.pdf

     iTrent - ESS - Changing your address.pdf

     iTrent - ESS - Viewing your payslips, P60 and total reward statement.pdf

     iTrent - ESS - Entering a mileage and expenses claim.pdf

     iTrent - MSS - Checking a time and expenses claim's status.pdf

     iTrent - MSS - Managing private vehicles.pdf


    Mandatory: Planning Committee

    6th June 2022 Planning Committee 2022   

    Presentation 1

    Presentation 2

    Member Briefing: Adult and Children’s Safeguarding

    18th May 2022 Adult and Children’s Safeguarding 2022 Recording: Adult and Children's Safeguarding Safeguarding Presentation
    Member Briefing: Data Protection and GDPR 17th May 2022 Data Protection and GDPR 2022 Recording: Data Protection and GDPR
    Member Briefing: Understanding Local Government Finance

    16th May 2022 Understanding Local Government Finance 2022
    Mandatory: Councillor’s Code of Conduct, Standards & Ethics in Public Life 11th May 2022 Councillor’s Code of Conduct, Standards & Ethics in Public Life 2022

    Personal Development Plan (PDP)

    Your Personal Development Plan (PDP) will help identify training and development needs for your current and future roles as a Member. The PDP used at LB Barking and Dagenham is based on the LGA Political Skills Framework

    It is helpful to refer to Member Role Profiles when completing your PDP.

     If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss and complete your PDP, please email or call 020 8227 2852.


    LBBD e-learning resources (i-learn)

    The Council provides an extensive suite of e-learning. These will help your career, wellbeing and councillor role. Videos, interactive exercises and Tutor-led courses are listed.

    Courses  likely to be of particular interest to Members are in the Councillor Zone

    Feel free to look at any of the areas and courses on i-learn

    Within Health, Safety and Wellbeing you will find an e-learning course on Personal Safety (Violence and Aggression) to provide helpful reminders following our tutor-led course. The excellent Employee Assistance Programme which Members can access is also outlined.

    GDPR, Equalities and Diversity and Safeguarding supplement Member Training sessions held during Induction.

    Get started

    Click: i-learn

    user name:  your LBBD email address

    password: welcome

    Click remember username

    Councillor Workbooks from the Local Government Association (LGA)



    Archive - Member Training Programme May 2020 - April 2021

    Topic Date Time Location Your Feedback
    Planning Committee Training 18 May 5-7pm online via Teams evaluation form
    Licensing & Regulatory Board Training 20 May 5-7pm online via Teams evaluation form
    Personnel Board Training
    21 May 2pm   evaluation form
    All Member Briefing: Update on New LBBD Local Plan 15 June 6-7.30pm online via Teams evaluation form 
    Induction for Audit and Standards Committee 27 July 6.30 - 7pm online via Teams evaluation form
    Budget Scrutiny Training 16 Sept 6pm online via Teams evaluation form
    Standards Induction for new members of Audit and Standards Committee 22 Sept 5pm online via Teams evaluation form
    All Member Briefing: Beam Park
    24 Sept
    online via Teams
    evaluation form
    All Member Briefing:  Enforcement Priorities and Covid-19 13 Oct
    online via teams
    evaluation form
    Training for Audit and Standards Committee 20 Oct 5pm
    online via Teams
     evaluation form
    All Member Briefing: Crime Data 18 Nov 6pm online via Teams evaluation form
    Audit and Standards Committee
    1 Dec
    online via Teams
    evaluation form
    OSC 'Budget Scrutiny Skills' Training 21 Jan 7pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing - Census 2021 02 Feb 6:30pm online via Teams Evaluation form
    Incoming Mayor Training 2021 19 Feb 10:00am online via Teams Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing - BDTP 24 Feb 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing - Domestic Abuse Commission 8 March 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing - Using Resident Insight 23 March 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing: Community Hubs 19 April 6:00pm online via Team Evaluation Form
    All Member Briefing - Finance Training for Members 21 April 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form

    ARCHIVE: Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2021 - April 2022

    Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
    Travelers, Roma and Gypsy communities Training 8th March 2022 Evaluation Form Travelers, Roma and Gypsy communities Training Slides 
    Member Training: Social Media 1st March 2022 Evaluation Form  Social Media Slides 
    Mental health for councillors and communities 22nd February 2022 Evaluation Form  
    Member Briefing: Member Feedback System Session 2
    7th February 2022 Evaluation Form  
    Personal Safety Awareness Training 17th January 2022 Evaluation Form Conflict Resolution Training - Local Authority and Housing Workbook
    Member Briefing: Citizen's Alliance Network
    1st November 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Citizen's Alliance Network  
    Members Briefing: Members Feedback System 12th October 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Members Feedback System Members Feedback System Presentation
    Personnel Board Training 2nd September 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Personal Board
    Member Training: Licensing 16th August 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Licensing PowerPoint Presentation 
    Member Briefing: Well Run Organisation 27th July 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Well Run Organisation
    COVID-19: Employment and Welfare Support 28th June 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: COVID-19 - Employment and Welfare Support
    Zoom Training May 2021 Evaluation Form
    Member Briefing: Crime Data 26th May 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Crime Data

    Member Induction

    Member Induction Conference - 10th May 2022

    The Member Induction Conference took place on the 10th May at the BLC.

    To view the presentation on the Council Committee Framework and Constitution, click the link below: 

    Council Committee Framework and Constitution Presentation

    To view the presentation on How to use ilearn, click the link below:

    How to use ilearn Presentation

    To view the presentation on members service requests, click the link below:

    Members Service Requests 

    To view the presentation on the introduction to Local Government Finance, Click the link below:

    Introduction to Local Government Finance

    Taylorfitch website