LBBD Members App

Your Learning

Welcome to Your Learning section

Training schedules, resources from the Local Government Association, and the slides from internal training sessions are provided in this section. There is also information on creating your own Personal Development Plan (PDP) to enable you to assess your skills and progress further.

London Councils re-awarded the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham the Charter Plus standard for Councillor Development in 2020. 

The assessors praised the way LBBD councillors had taken their training and applied it to their borough e.g. Windrush and getting younger people into training. The following were highly commended:

  • Members' App for Councillors, with first class links and resources to internal/LGA training and modules and PDPs
  • Huge achievements in Member Development since March 2020, especially given the Covid-19 circumstances
  • High level of engagement with Councillors, for example through the Member Development Newsletter
  • That previous recommendations had been acted on including the area of Overview and Scrutiny

The Councillor Learning and Development Plan provides a framework of good practice for elected Members in LB Barking and Dagenham. The Plan aims to ensure learning and development supports the vision for the borough, develops Members in your various roles, is cost effective and meets the highest standards.

Your feedback and ideas are welcome!

Please contact Leanna McPherson, Member Development Leader Officer by phone: 020 8227 2852 or email:


Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2023 - April 2024

Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
Training for Scrutiny and Policy Task Group Members: Questioning Skills 4th March 2024 Questioning Skills Evaluation Form
Members Briefing - Localities 28th March 2024 Localities Evaluation Form Localities Presentation
ACT Awareness (Action Counters Terrorism) 27th February 2024 ACT Awareness Evaluation Form Running a Safe Surgery
Members Briefing - Inclusive Economy 31st January 2024 Inclusive Economy Evaluation Form
Speed Reading Course 10th January 2024 Speed Reading Evaluation Form

Reading for Speed and Retention 2023

LBBD Reading For Speed and Retention

Members Briefing- Budget Update 4th December 2023 Budget Update Evaluation Form  


Members Briefing - Knife Crime 27th September 2023 Knife Crime Evaluation Form  

Knife Crime Overview Presentation

Personnel Board
6th July 2023 Personnel Board Evaluation Form Personnel Board Recording

Personnel Board - HR Presentation

Personnel Board - Legal Presentation

Planning Committee Training 21st June 2023 Planning Committee Evaluation Form Planning Committee Presentation
Members Briefing - Waste Strategy 12th June 2023 Waste Strategy Evaluation Form Waste Strategy Presentation

Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2022 - April 2023

Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
Member Briefing: Investment Strategy 23rd March 2023 Investment Strategy Evaluation Form Investment Strategy Recording

Investment Strategy Presentation 

Member Briefing: Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan 28 February 2023 Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan Evaluation Form Zero Carbon Roadmap and Climate Change Action Plan Recording 


Licensing Sub-Committee Training 15th February 2023 Licensing Sub-Committee Evaluation Form Licensing Sub-Committee Recording


Member Briefing: Budget 19th January 2023 Budget Evaluation Form  


Pensions Committee Training

11th January 2023 Pensions Committee Evaluation Form  

Pensions Committee Training Presentation 

Member Briefing: An Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement

10th January 2023 An Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement Evaluation Form Introduction to Regulatory Enforcement Recording

Public protection services: Councillor Handbook 

Induction to Enforcement Portfolio Presentation

Member Briefing: Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service 26th October 2022 Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service Serious Youth Violence and the work of the Youth Offending Service Recording 

Serious Youth Violence Presentation

Member Briefing: School Admissions 25th October 2022 School Admissions  School Admissions Recording

School Admissions Overview

School Admissions Presentation 

Member Briefing: Social Media Training 19th October 2022 Social Media Training   


Member Briefing: Members on Outside Bodies 6th September 2022 Members on Outside Bodies Members on Outside Bodies Recording

Liability of Members on Outside Bodies Presentation 

Overview and Scrutiny Training 22nd August 2022 Overview and Scrutiny Overview and Scrutiny Recording

Scrutiny Presentation

Mandatory: Equality and Diversity 26th July 2022 Mandatory: Equality and Diversity   

Equality and Diversity Presentation 

Equality Presentation

Speaking Effectively at Meetings 19th July 2022 Speaking Effectively at Meetings  Speaking Effectively at Meetings Recording

Audit and Standards Committee 18th July 2022 Audit and Standards Committee  

Mandatory: Recruitment and Selection 13th July 2022 Mandatory: Recruitment and Selection  Recruitment and Selection Recording

Member Briefing: Corporate Parenting 5th July 2022 Corporate Parenting   

Chairing Meetings
4th July 2022 Chairing Meetings   

Chairing Meetings Presentation

Mandatory: Personnel Board
23rd June 2022 Mandatory: Personnel Board  

Mandatory: Licensing & Regulatory Committee
16th June 2022 Mandatory: Licensing & Regulatory Committee  

Pensions’ Committee 15th June 2022 Pensions’ Committee  

Pension Committee Presentation

Health Scrutiny Committee 
13th June 2022 Health Scrutiny Committee  

Health Scrutiny Presentation

Member Briefing: New HR and Payroll Demonstration 7th June 2022 New HR and Payroll Demonstration  

iTrent Link 

Training materials

 iTrent - Logging into iTrent on your LBBD device.pdf

 iTrent - ESS - Updating your sensitive information.pdf

 iTrent - ESS - Updating your bank details.pdf

 iTrent - ESS - Changing your address.pdf

 iTrent - ESS - Viewing your payslips, P60 and total reward statement.pdf

 iTrent - ESS - Entering a mileage and expenses claim.pdf

 iTrent - MSS - Checking a time and expenses claim's status.pdf

 iTrent - MSS - Managing private vehicles.pdf


Mandatory: Planning Committee

6th June 2022 Planning Committee 2022   

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Member Briefing: Adult and Children’s Safeguarding

18th May 2022 Adult and Children’s Safeguarding 2022 Recording: Adult and Children's Safeguarding Safeguarding Presentation
Member Briefing: Data Protection and GDPR 17th May 2022 Data Protection and GDPR 2022 Recording: Data Protection and GDPR
Member Briefing: Understanding Local Government Finance

16th May 2022 Understanding Local Government Finance 2022
Mandatory: Councillor’s Code of Conduct, Standards & Ethics in Public Life 11th May 2022 Councillor’s Code of Conduct, Standards & Ethics in Public Life 2022

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Your Personal Development Plan (PDP) will help identify training and development needs for your current and future roles as a Member. The PDP used at LB Barking and Dagenham is based on the LGA Political Skills Framework

It is helpful to refer to Member Role Profiles when completing your PDP.

 If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss and complete your PDP, please email or call 020 8227 2852.


LBBD e-learning resources (i-learn)

The Council provides an extensive suite of e-learning. These will help your career, wellbeing and councillor role. Videos, interactive exercises and Tutor-led courses are listed.

Courses  likely to be of particular interest to Members are in the Councillor Zone

Feel free to look at any of the areas and courses on i-learn

Within Health, Safety and Wellbeing you will find an e-learning course on Personal Safety (Violence and Aggression) to provide helpful reminders following our tutor-led course. The excellent Employee Assistance Programme which Members can access is also outlined.

GDPR, Equalities and Diversity and Safeguarding supplement Member Training sessions held during Induction.

Get started

Click: i-learn

user name:  your LBBD email address

password: welcome

Click remember username

Councillor Workbooks from the Local Government Association (LGA)



Archive - Member Training Programme May 2020 - April 2021

Topic Date Time Location Your Feedback
Planning Committee Training 18 May 5-7pm online via Teams evaluation form
Licensing & Regulatory Board Training 20 May 5-7pm online via Teams evaluation form
Personnel Board Training
21 May 2pm   evaluation form
All Member Briefing: Update on New LBBD Local Plan 15 June 6-7.30pm online via Teams evaluation form 
Induction for Audit and Standards Committee 27 July 6.30 - 7pm online via Teams evaluation form
Budget Scrutiny Training 16 Sept 6pm online via Teams evaluation form
Standards Induction for new members of Audit and Standards Committee 22 Sept 5pm online via Teams evaluation form
All Member Briefing: Beam Park
24 Sept
online via Teams
evaluation form
All Member Briefing:  Enforcement Priorities and Covid-19 13 Oct
online via teams
evaluation form
Training for Audit and Standards Committee 20 Oct 5pm
online via Teams
 evaluation form
All Member Briefing: Crime Data 18 Nov 6pm online via Teams evaluation form
Audit and Standards Committee
1 Dec
online via Teams
evaluation form
OSC 'Budget Scrutiny Skills' Training 21 Jan 7pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing - Census 2021 02 Feb 6:30pm online via Teams Evaluation form
Incoming Mayor Training 2021 19 Feb 10:00am online via Teams Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing - BDTP 24 Feb 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing - Domestic Abuse Commission 8 March 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing - Using Resident Insight 23 March 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing: Community Hubs 19 April 6:00pm online via Team Evaluation Form
All Member Briefing - Finance Training for Members 21 April 6:00pm online via Teams Evaluation Form

ARCHIVE: Training Course Materials, Recording and Evaluation Forms | May 2021 - April 2022

Topic Date Evaluation Forms Recording Link Course Materials
Travelers, Roma and Gypsy communities Training 8th March 2022 Evaluation Form Travelers, Roma and Gypsy communities Training Slides 
Member Training: Social Media 1st March 2022 Evaluation Form  Social Media Slides 
Mental health for councillors and communities 22nd February 2022 Evaluation Form  
Member Briefing: Member Feedback System Session 2
7th February 2022 Evaluation Form  
Personal Safety Awareness Training 17th January 2022 Evaluation Form Conflict Resolution Training - Local Authority and Housing Workbook
Member Briefing: Citizen's Alliance Network
1st November 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Citizen's Alliance Network  
Members Briefing: Members Feedback System 12th October 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Members Feedback System Members Feedback System Presentation
Personnel Board Training 2nd September 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Personal Board
Member Training: Licensing 16th August 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Licensing PowerPoint Presentation 
Member Briefing: Well Run Organisation 27th July 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Well Run Organisation
COVID-19: Employment and Welfare Support 28th June 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: COVID-19 - Employment and Welfare Support
Zoom Training May 2021 Evaluation Form
Member Briefing: Crime Data 26th May 2021 Evaluation Form Recording: Crime Data
Taylorfitch website