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Members’ Casework and Service Requests

The Do's and Don'ts of Members' Casework

Members’ Casework

Residents will raise issues that concern them at your Surgery, by phone or email, or even in the street. The Council has a dedicated team, the Feedback Team who will ensure you receive a reply from council officers within 10 working days. The Casework system also enables the Council to analyse the types of concerns raised by residents so we can improve our services.

Service Requests

If a resident reports an issue such as a fly tip, a broken streetlight or a missed bin, (to name but three examples), this would be a service request and would need to be reported by yourself, (using your council email address), or reported by the resident via My B&D

How to raise Casework

Members’ Casework enquiries will be acknowledged within 24 hours and a full response provided within a maximum of 10 working days. To report your casework:



Call 0208 724 8989 (x 8989 internal)

If you see an issue yourself, such as a flytip or graffiti (for example), please report this as a service request via My B&D

What Information Do I Need to Provide?

The more detail you can give, the easier it will be to answer your enquiry. Please send your request to: 


At times, a family member or friend of the person whose case it is may contact you for an update. Their intention may be innocent but it is a breach of data protection to share the information with a third party. More importantly, sharing the information might cause difficulties for the resident whose case it is. Please remember to only give out information to the resident whose case you have taken up.

Please Note: if you have consent of the third party, written authorisation is still required before for LBBD can share information. 

What Can and Can’t Be Dealt with by Members’ Casework?

As a councillor, you can best deal with casework concerning Council services and related local issues within your ward. The Council is very limited in its ability to resolve questions related to external bodies such as the Police or Registered Social Landlords.

The Casework system cannot be used for

  • School Admission Appeals,
  • PCN’s including Fixed Penalty notices for parking offences,
  • Homelessness Appeals,
  • Cases currently with the Ombudsman
  • Service requests ie: a missed bin, pot hole report etc.

All of the above cases have their own appeals process, which, in law, have to be followed.

How do I deal with complaints?

Sometimes you will receive an email from a resident, copied to you, that has been addressed to an MP, Corporate Complaints etc. In these circumstances please do not respond as the case will have been logged by the MP, Corporate Complaints etc.

In those cases where a resident has addressed their email both to you and to the MP and Corporate Complaints, the Feedback Team will log the case against the most appropriate category.

This means the Feedback Team will not process the same matter as casework and a complaint; it will be one or the other.


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