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Meetings and Political Structure

Forward Plans

By law, councils have to publish a document detailing “Key Decisions” that are to be taken by the Cabinet, Assembly and/or the Health and Wellbeing Board. The document, known as the Forward Plan, is required to be published 28 days before the date that the decisions are to be made.

A Forward Plan is maintained for the Cabinet and the Assembly, as well as a separate Plan for the Health and Wellbeing Board.  Key decisions are defined as:

(i) Those that form the Council’s budgetary and policy framework (this is explained in more detail in the Council’s Constitution)

(ii) Those that involve ‘significant’ spending or savings

(iii) Those that have a significant effect on the community

In relation to (ii) above, Barking and Dagenham’s definition of ‘significant’ is spending or savings of £200,000 or more that is not already provided for in the Council’s Budget.

In relation to (iii) above, Barking and Dagenham has also extended this definition so that it relates to any decision that is likely to have a significant impact on one or more ward (the legislation refers to this aspect only being relevant where the impact is likely to be on two or more wards). As part of the Council’s commitment to open government it has extended the scope of this document so that it includes all known issues, not just “Key Decisions”, that are due to be considered by the decision-making bodies as far ahead as possible.

The latest Cabinet Forward Plan (and earlier versions) can be viewed here

The latest Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan (and earlier versions) can be viewed here   


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