LBBD Members App

Your Role

Your Role

As a councillor, you will have many different roles and competing priorities. You will represent your ward, engage with local residents, businesses and groups and act as a leader for your community.

Within the Council, you will contribute to the development of policies and strategies, including budget setting. You may also have the opportunity to make decisions on Cabinet, scrutinise the decisions of the Council and partner organisations and make decisions on a range of committees.

As you will be representing the Council and in the public eye, you are encouraged to consider issues of punctuality and appropriate dress for public meetings where the press and public may be present. If a Member attends only part of a Council meeting, the time they arrive and leave is recorded.

You can use Member Role Profiles like job descriptions to help you decide which position/s you would like to stand for. These profiles can help you assess your skills and where you may want to develop.


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Role of the Councillor


This section will help you stay legal and safe. It introduces the role of the councillor, the positions Members undertake on the Council and the role of Officers.