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Register of Interests

In accordance with the Councillors' Code of Conduct Members are required to register any disclosable pecuniary interests of themselves or their spouse or civil partner or person who they live with as if they were a spouse or civil partner, within 28 days of taking up office. Elected Members are also required to notify the Monitoring Officer if there are any changes in those recorded interests as they occur.   

It is a criminal offence if a councillor fails, without reasonable excuse, to declare or register interests. You can find below the Register of Interests form, and the Guidance for completing the form:

Register of Interests form

Guidance for completing Register of Interests form


If you require assistance, please contact: Alison Stuart,, Head of Law and Monitoring Officer by email:  or phone Padma Mistry (Alison's PA) on 0208 227 2951


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