LBBD Members App

The Borough and The Council

Community Organisations


In Barking and Dagenham there are a range of groups, for example local voluntary and community groups, faith groups, sports and social clubs, social enterprises etc. They are sometimes also referred to as the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) ‘Not for Profit’ sector or Civil Society. This sector is incredibly diverse and the organisations within it help and support many residents in lots of different ways.

The sector locally is supported by Barking and Dagenham Council for Voluntary Service (BDCVS) and the Barking Enterprise Centre (BEC). If local groups in your ward are looking for support, then these organisations would be able to help.

Barking and Dagenham CVS focuses on supporting local charities. Further information can be found:

The BEC supports local businesses, which includes not for profit companies and community interest companies. Further information can be found:

BandD Together Routemaster

The Routemaster is a fantastic tool that Members and residents can use to easily find those support organisations working in Barking and Dagenham which offer support and help to local people. Types of support include benefits, local agencies and other support organisations.

The tool diagnoses a resident’s need by asking a series of questions to accurately filter them through to a personalised pathway of available support from community organisations that operate in the borough. Members can be confident that the organisation contact information is up to date, because all organisations listed in the Routemaster receive a telephone call every month to check that all information is still relevant.

Key Community Organisations

Below are  the details of key voluntary and community organisations operating within Barking and Dagenham, including their contact details and a brief description of what services they offer:

Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations and Contact Details 

Tenants and Residents Associations

Information on local tenants and residents forums can be found: Housing Forms

Care and Support

There are a range of community and council social care services that are available for residents who would like help with their health, recovery and wellbeing. Further information for adults can be found on the following link:

For the families of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or who are disabled (SEND) further information can be found:Local Offer




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