LBBD Members App

Your Support

Business Cards

Upon request to Members will be provided with a set of 200 business cards.  The business card will show the Member’s name, the ward they represent as well as any positions they may hold with the exception of a party position such as Chief Whip.

The card will state the following:

  • A contact telephone number
  • Twitter and Facebook details (either Council or personal)
  • Your ward
  • The address of the Members’ Room, Barking Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking, Essex  IG11 7LU (unless you request your personal address to be used).

Members cannot include personal, political commentary such as: “As  Councillor for …… Ward I have demonstrated my commitment to the Ward by …..” etc. 

You can include any professional qualifications and where an award has been bestowed  e.g. MBE, OBE.

You will be provided with a proof of your business card by Member Support for clearance before it is printed.

Upon request a second set of cards will be provided after 6 months. If you want additional business cards these can be printed at your own expense.


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