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Your Ward

Councillor Surgeries

Councillors are expected to hold a surgery at least once a month to deal with Ward enquiries. Holiday periods of August & December and the period just before Council elections are excluded.

You may decide to rota surgeries with other ward members or carry them out on your own depending on the political make-up of the ward. 

Together with ward colleagues, you are responsible for identifying the venue/s for your ward surgery. This should be at a location that is easily accessed by residents.  Examples include a church hall, community center, library or Council building.

Councillors are responsible for contacting venue organisers to arrange bookings.  Disabled access to the building, cost and consideration for the safety for yourself and others should be considered when booking a venue.

Once the surgery details have been arranged, posters advertising the venue can be printed using a corporate style, on request to

The cost of hire of surgery venues will be met by the Council. Kindly keep hire costs to a minimum. Please email invoices for payment to:

Please notify  of any changes to surgery details so these can be updated on the Council's website.

Members Ward Surgery Booklet

We have designed a Members Ward Surgery Booklet to help assist members in holding their surgeries. The booklet contains Personal Safety Tips, information regarding Members Casework and an Surgery Premises Health and Safety Checklist. This booklet is available for all members via the link below:

Members Ward Surgery Booklet


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