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First Aid and Fire Safety at Council Buildings

First Aid Facilities at Council Buildings

Reception desks in Council buildings hold a first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders for that building. This list is also posted at strategic points on notice boards around the buildings.

There are defibrillators mounted in the receptions at the Town Hall and Roycraft House for use in the event of heart failure. It is not essential to be trained in the use of this equipment in emergencies, instructions are supplied within the packs. There is a list of staff that have been trained in its use adjacent to the sets supplied.

If you have an accident or you are a victim of an incident or assault or witness one, you must report it to the reception desk regardless of severity. The reception/ facilities staff will complete an incident report with you to ensure accurate records are kept.

If you have any queries, issues or complaints with the facilities in the Town Hall, Stour Road or Roycraft House please contact Robby Misir, Facilities Manager by email: or phone: 07875 397 844

Fire Safety

Fire instruction notices are displayed in all corporate buildings and there are booklets available in the Members’ Room. These provide instructions on the action to be taken when a fire breaks out, the fire drill routine and assembly point. Please read the fire notices / booklets and take immedi­ate and appropriate action whenever the alarm sounds. You must comply with the fire evacuation plan for the premises and follow the Fire Warden’s instructions at all times. The fire wardens are responsible for area clearance during evacuations and one will attend in the event of an alarm evacuation to check that the rooms have been cleared.

If you have mobility issues that may affect your ability to quickly leave a building unaided, you may need a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).  For more information please contact Bradley Paris (Health & Safety Advisor) by email: or phone: 020 8227 3222.

For assistance in the event of evacuations please contact Facilities Helpdesk by phone: 020 8227 2392 or email: 

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